CAS Fundraiser
The Center for Academic Study & Naturalist Painting is having an Open House and Studio Sale Fundraiser on December 10, 2011. The purpose of this event is to find support for students who are struggling to fund their academic and artistic pursuits. As many of you may know, students who choose to study Academically have none of the traditional methods of funding for higher education available to them. There are no grants, loans or scholarships available to them. This lack of funding is the greatest obstacle blocking most students from developing the skills necessary to succeed. The C.A.S. is determined to help find ways of helping to fund our student’s education. We will be selling student work, along with work from professional Utah artists. These professional artists have agreed to donate a portion of their sales to the C.A.S. scholarship fund. Also, Ryan Brown, the director of the C.AS., has donated a number of studies and small paintings to help raise funds for the school. Please help fund the student’s education and pick up some great art in the process!
CAS Drawing Show at the Marshall-LeKae Gallery in Scotsdale, Arizona
Center For Academic Study & Naturalist Painting To Celebrate Anniversary
February 5th, 2010, 5:30 – 9:30p.m.
117 North University Ave. Provo, Utah (Located in the Coleman Studios Building)
All music and art lovers as well as those who love learning are invited to attend
An Art exhibit of student and faculty work will be on display. The evening’s events will include:
A Violin performance by: Alice Ashton, Melissa Draper and Terin Ipsen at 7:00 p.m.
Followed by: Guest speaker Elizabeth Smailes, a mentor at George Wythe University, who will speak about the Classical approach to education, “Learning how to think” and the role mentors play in a Student’s development.
Ryan Brown, Director of the CAS will also make a presentation introducing the curriculum, aims and ideals of the CAS.
The public is invited to attend. Refreshments will be served throughout the evening.