Tuesday, August 11, 2015

News, August 2015


CAS Summer 2015 Sight-Size Portrait Workshop

School is out for the Summer which means workshop season is underway. Here's a few shots of director of the CAS, Ryan Brown, teaching a great group of participants. We're excited to see what they come up with by the end of the week.
Workshops are great opportunities to learn from artists you've always admired, but without any long term time and money commitments. At the CAS we make sure we offer the highest quality workshops we can, so you can be sure that you get your money's worth and will leave feeling like you really learned something. For more information on upcoming workshops at the CAS scroll down, or visit our website www.cas-utah.com.


CAS Summer 2015 Workshop Schedule

The Summer Workshop Schedule has begun, but there's still time and a few more spaces to sign up for the last two workshops. Act fast by calling 801.822.8802 or 801.822.2178 to find out more information and to sign up. You don't want to miss out on these amazing opportunities to study with some of today's leading artists. 

Here's a list of the rest of the CAS' Summer 2015 Workshops: 

Painting the Portrait 
Taught by Edward Minoff
Workshop dates: August 17-21
Tuition: $625
Reservation deadline: August 16, 2015
Each day will bring a new pose, building towards painting convincing and lifelike portrait sketches.
More information may be found at cas-utah.com

Plein Air Landscape
Taught by Ryan S. Brown
Workshop dates: August 24-28
Tuition: $400
Reservation deadline: August 23, 2015
Every day is spent in the field, painting and discussing the stages of development for a plein air landscape sketch.
More information may be found at cas-utah.com


Ryan S. Brown's results for competing in ARA Boston's Figure Painting Competition 

Boston saw some great painting during the last week of July. Highly talented artists such as Shane Wolf, Carlo Russo, and Elizabeth Zanzinger just to name a few gathered together at the Academy of Realist Art, Boston for their first annual Figure Painting Competition. Director of the CAS, Ryan Brown, was one of the lucky few to be invited to attend and he sure didn't disappoint viewers with his outstanding knowledge for painting the figure. At the end of the week voting was opened up to the public and Ryan received the Viewer's Choice Award. His painting looks great and represented the CAS well. Great job Ryan! More information about the competition may be found at http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=6babe2a57f5f9861032fbb62b&id=5a2017da24.

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